Description :

This function allows to analyze a image series so as to retrieve the CCD (or CMOS) sensor absolute quantum efficiency (QE) versus wavelength.

This function needs a set of images, for each image important information is required into input tables such as reference photodiode flux, wavelength, and so on (see variable tables).

As result, this function outputs two plots, one is Quantum Efficiency versus wavelength, and the other is Photo Response Non Uniformity plot.

Warning this function as a lot of parameters, so please be carrefull and patient when using it.

Please have a look HERE to get important information about CCD testing functions.

Minimum version : 18/04/2002

Syntax :

GETQE ImageArray AmtImages BiasImg X1 Y1 X2 Y2 PixelSizeX PixelSizeY CvF CalDist MeaDist Bw Wl Flux refMea DebgMode [PhotonErr DiodeFluxErr Wtrans] Wal QE errQE PRNU Entropy

[are optionnal parameters]


Variables :

Parameters Inputs / Outputs Type Description
ImagesArray Input Array of image handler An array of images handles (that points the the pixel datas) that needs to be previously loaded.
AmtImage Input Integer Amount of images to analyze
BiasImg Input Image variable Image variable that points to a MASTER bias made of at least 5 bias frames
X1 Input Integer Left bottom X image coordinates where the statistic will be computed
Y1 Input Integer Left bottom Y image coordinates where the statistic will be computed
X2 Input Integer Top right X image coordinates where the statistic will be computed
Y2 Input Integer Top right Y image coordinates where the statistic will be computed
PixelSizeX Input Floating point X Pixel size as microns, overriden if read from the image file header
PixelSizeY Input Floating point Y Pixel size as microns, overriden if read from the image file header
CvF Input Floating point Conversion factor, expressed as electrons per ADUs
CalDist Input Floating point Distance monochromator output - photodiode during calibration (mm)
MeaDist Input Floating point Distance monochromator output - CCD surface during image recording (mm)
Bw Input Floating point Bandwidth (nm) fixed for the whole image set.
Wl Input Array of floating point Wavelength (nm) for each image
Flux Input Array of floating point Photodiode flux for each image as amperes
refMea Input Array of floating point Reference photodiode flux for this wavelength as amperes.
DebgMode Input Boolean Debug mode, if =1 display more information
PhotonErr Input Array of floating point Optional : mesurment error during image exposure as ADUs
DiodeFluxErr Input Array of floating point Optional : photodiode error as amperes
Wtrans Output Array of floating point Optional : optical window transmission (0 to 1)
Wal Output Array of floating point Wavelength as nm
QE Output Array of floating point Computed quantum efficiency as %
errQE Output Array of floating point Quantum efficiency error as %
PRNU Output Array of floating point Photoresponse non uniformity as %
Entropy Output Array of floating point Entropy computation


See also :


Example :

path$="C:\Prism\Images de test\ccd_test\QE\"

// Loads files like ... each file is a different wavelength
for i=1 AmtImage
str i i$
print a$
open ImagesArray[i-1] a$
next i





GETQE ImageArray AmtImages BiasImg X1 Y1 X2 Y2 PixelSizeX PixelSizeY CvF CalDist MeaDist Bw Wl Flux refMea DebgMode Wal QE errQE PRNU Entropy
