> Analyse > Test CCD > Rendement quantique et PRNU (uniformité spatiale de réponse)

Lancement : Menu [Analyse] > [Test/Caractérisation de CCD] > [Rendement quantique]

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But : Mesurer le rendement quantique de son CCD.

This is a really difficult measurement, because the result has to be provided in absolute figures, and you MUST have to input calibration data.

Basic knowledge regarding QE measurement must be known !!

The usual scheme is to use an absolute quantum efficiency calibrated photodiode installed at the same position as the CCD will be, and to use flat field images made in the front of an integrating sphere, fed by one or two monochromators. This setting allows you to get different flat field images at different wavelengths and short bandwidth.

The incoming light wavelength is typically ranging from 300 to 1100 nm, with a short bandwidth, such as 5nm. The photodiode current is measured, and the photodiode manufacturer calibration curve enables you to compute the amount of photons per square centimeter and per second. This is an example of a photodiode calibration file (as a text file) :

# ratio bdw 4 # col 1 Wavelength
# col 2 Flux on the CCD surface, expressed in photons/sec/cm2
# col 3 Current that is measured at integrating sphere level or closeby to the CCD
320    1.1e+8   0.209e-9
340    2.55e+8  0.544e-9
360    5.18e+8  1.115e-9
380    9.27e+8  2.124e-9
400    1.44e+9  3.646e-9
450    2.9e+9   7.94e-9
500    3.54e+9  10.207e-9
550    3.9e+9   11.5e-9
600    3.97e+9  11.74e-9
650    3.6e+9   10.85e-9
700    3.09e+9  8.96e-9
750    2.35e+9  6.67e-9
800    1.54e+9  4.224e-9
850    1.66e+9  4.52e-9
900    1.42e+9  3.871e-9
950    3.4e+9   8.6e-9
1000   3.16e+9  7.65e-9
1100   2.42e+9  1.224e-9 Afterward, the optical transmission of the dewar window according to the wavelength as to be provided (as a text file).# Window transmission
# col 1 Wavelength
# col 2 Relative transmission
320    0.94
340    0.97
360    0.98
380    0.98
400    0.99
450    0.99
500    0.99
550    0.996
600    0.9856
650    0.9615
700    0.926
750    0.889
800    0.8517
850    0.8153
900    0.7873
950    0.7627
1000   0.7466
1100   0.723 

IMPORTANT : For all the wavelengths used, calibration photodiode text file and window calibration transmission text file MUST match each other. It means that the same wavelengths must be entered in the two calibration files (Otherwise an error will occur). FITS files must include the following HEADER Keywords :

WAVLG = 550 // Central wavelength : Expressed in mn
BANDW = 5 // Bandwith : Expressed in mn
FLUX = 1.2E-5 // Photodiode current expressed in Amps
1_FLUX = 1.2E-5 // Photodiode current expressed in Amps

Regarding the CPA image file : if images have been acquired with PRISM, the previous figures are entered automatically into the CPA file header.

A reference offset/Bias image (resulting from a median stack of 10 offset/bias images) is mandatory, also the integration time must be limited in a way that the CCD dark current remains negligible.

Once having entered all the calibration files in the software dialog box, the analysis window X1,X2,Y1,Y2 must be chosen in the way that it must not have any serious defects (black hole, bright pixels).

Conversion factor must have been measured previously (see method 1 or 2).

Distance during calibration/measurements allows the reference photodiode not to be at the same distance as the CCD, and to apply a 1/d^2 correction. This correct for few centimeters effects.

Results :

This is the console output results, for each FITS files, it yields to :

Wavelength in nm ; Flux in Amps ; Exposure in sec ; Count values in e-
Filename         Wavelength  Flux       Exposure  Mean    Stddev.Rms  Median  Mean-Median
QE0002.fits      320         1.749E-10  180       21400   484.08      21400   -0.051972
QE0034.fits      340         4.754E-10  180       60662   1281.8      60678   -15.768
QE0004.fits      360         1.0234E-9  79.523    60965   1260.3      60976   -11.264
QE0032.fits      380         2.0072E-9  36.67     60579   832.35      60568   10.537
Qe0006.fits      400         3.5871E-9  20.472    60341   578.48      60342   -1.3613
QE0030.fits      450         8.4612E-9  9.223     60576   473.26      60582   -6.0853
QE0008.fits      500         1.1307E-8  7.248     60050   462.21      60052   -2.3795
QE0028.fits      550         1.3328E-8  6.904     64220   478.24      64226   -5.6408
QE0010.fits      600         1.4012E-8  6.438     59948   446.82      59952   -4.0484
QE0026.fits      650         1.3279E-8  7.296     59910   442.79      59914   -4.2144
QE0012.fits      700         1.1196E-8  9.48      59680   450.23      59686   -5.5382
QE0024.fits      750         8.4697E-9  14.39     59830   481.27      59838   -8.0172
QE0014.fits      800         5.4537E-9  27.831    59990   533.66      60004   -13.601
QE0022.fits      850         5.9775E-9  33.177    59951   508.76      59960   -9.061
QE0016.fits      900         5.1913E-9  58.056    59327   941.36      59162   165.3
Qe0020.fits      950         1.2662E-8  49.111    61606   2471.5      62156   -549.94
QE0018.fits      1000        1.0568E-8  171.99    62739   3667.6      64178   -1438.6
QE0036.fits      1100        1.7114E-9  180       1006    82.472      994     12.022

Image #1 Bandwith :5
PhotoDiode calibration Bandwith :4
Filename         Wav.  PRNU%      QE%       FDio/FDio.cal   Ph/pix/sec e-/pix/sec  %Wind
QE0002.fits      320   2.262      61.065    0.83684         207.12     118.89      94
QE0034.fits      340   2.1125     69.312    0.87389         501.4      337.1       97
QE0004.fits      360   2.0669     73.139    0.91787         1069.8     766.77      98
QE0032.fits      380   1.3742     85.51     0.94499         1971       1651.7      98
Qe0006.fits      400   0.95867    93.401    0.98385         3187.7     2947.5      99
QE0030.fits      450   0.7812     95.421    1.0656          6953.3     6568.6      99
QE0008.fits      500   0.76969    94.847    1.1078          8823.7     8285.3      99
QE0028.fits      550   0.74462    91.842    1.1589          10170      9302.7      99.6
QE0010.fits      600   0.7453     88.622    1.1935          10661      9312.2      98.56
QE0026.fits      650   0.73904    86.151    1.2239          9913.7     8211.9      96.15
QE0012.fits      700   0.75434    78.263    1.2496          8687.5     6296        92.6
QE0024.fits      750   0.8043     69.666    1.2698          6714.2     4158.3      88.9
QE0014.fits      800   0.88938    56.584    1.2911          4473.7     2156        85.17
QE0022.fits      850   0.8485     44.878    1.3225          4939.4     1807.3      81.53
QE0016.fits      900   1.5912     30.209    1.3411          4284.7     1019.1      78.73
QE0020.fits      950   3.9762     14.732    1.4724          11264      1265.6      76.27
QE0018.fits      1000  5.7147     5.0888    1.3814          9821.7     373.16      74.66
QE0036.fits      1100  8.297      0.10033   1.3982          7613.2     5.5222      72.3

Le logiciel renvoie une courbe de rendement quantique (rendement de rêve...) :

et aussi une courbe d'uniformité de réponse photonique :

Voici quelques images à différentes longueurs d'ondes d'une MEME zone (bande passante de 5nm et CCD EEV44 aminci ) : à 320 nm (uniformite dégradée par l'implentation P+ d'un CCD apres son amincissement) :

à 650 nm (très bonne uniformité) :

à 950 nm (belles franges ? non ) :

Methods used :

The method employed here for QE is straightforward and based on the ratio between the amount of photon falling to the CCD surface for a given wavelength and the effective amount of photoelectrons read out at the output of the CCD. This is achieved by all the data coming from the calibration text files and figures found in the image file header, such as pixel size, exposure time, flux, wavelength, etc etc ...

The PRNU computes the histogram of the selected (X1,X2,Y1,Y2) area, and provide two figures : the intensities at 5% and 95% percentile. Let's call those figures Int1 and Int2, the PRNU is (Int2-Int1)/(Int1+Int2)*100%

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Décembre 2010